Middle School

J | Solubility Products

J | Solubility Products

Solubility Products
Substance Ksp at 25 °C

F | Composition of Commercial Acids and Bases

F | Composition of Commercial Acids and Bases

Composition of Commercial Acids and Bases
Acid or Base1

E | Water Properties

E | Water Properties

Water Density (g/mL) at Different Temperatures (°C)
Temperature Density (g/mL)
0 0.9998395

D | Fundamental Physical Constants

D | Fundamental Physical Constants

Fundamental Physical Constants
Name and Symbol Value
atomic mass unit (amu)

B | Essential Mathematics

B | Essential Mathematics

Exponential Arithmetic

21.10 Exercises

21.10 Exercises

21.1 Nuclear Structure and Stability


Write the following isotopes in hyphenated form (e.g., “carbon-14”)


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